Ontario Perception of Care (OPOC) Survey
MENTAL HEALTH, Press ReleaseIf you have received Mental Health Services from us in the last year, you may be selected to complete the Ontario Perception of Care (OPOC) Survey.
What is this about?
This questionnaire asks about your perceptions of the services or supports you have received
from our agency/organization. This information is being collected to help us identify areas of
strengths on which to build, and areas for improvement.
Why is this important?
Your feedback is very important and will help to enhance our programs, as well as mental health
and addiction services across Ontario.
What will be involved?
As a client receiving mental health and/or addiction services, we invite you to answer up to
38 core questions and some additional items (e.g. age, gender, language).
It should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Is my participation voluntary?
Completing this questionnaire is completely voluntary. You do not need to complete this survey
and all questions are optional. Choosing not to participate will not affect the treatment or support
you receive in any way.
What are the risks and benefits?
There are no inherent risks or direct benefits to participating; however, the information you
provide will help us understand how our services can be improved for others.
Is it confidential?
This questionnaire is anonymous and therefore all data collected will not be identified as your
own responses. Your name or any personal identifiers (e.g. client number, insurance number)
will not be included anywhere in the questionnaire. All responses will be securely stored on
password protected computers and paper copies will be kept in a locked cabinet accessible only
to the relevant staff. It is important to note that all staff are committed to maintaining your
confidentiality and ensuring that the data collected in this questionnaire remain anonymous and
no personal information or personal health information is inadvertently shared. Accordingly if
you choose to include any comments in the questionnaire, please ensure that you do not
include personal information (e.g. your name, your therapist/clinician’s name or specific details
about your personal situation) that may be identifiable.
How is the information I provide going to be used?
Your responses will be combined with responses from many other people in a province-wide
database maintained by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The combined
information will be shared with our agency/organization, the Local Health Integration Network
(LHIN) in your area, and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to provide important
feedback about our services. The combined information will also be included in reports
generated by CAMH which are designed to help enhance mental health and addiction services
across Ontario. Again, your individual answers will not be identified.
Thank you for your participation!