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OAP Free Services

Maltby Centre provides publicly funded service within the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). These free services are offered to families who have an OAP number.

Whether you are looking for guidance in supporting your child, or looking to connect with other caregivers, Maltby has something for you. We offer Brief Consults with our Family Support Coordinators, Workshops, Service navigation, and more.

Maltby Centre offers a variety of free services that can support you and your children.

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Find a service that works for you

Image description Foundational Family Services

Maltby Centre offers Brief Targeted Consultation sessions with our autism experts by appointment. They can provide consultation and coaching to families on a variety of subjects including self-care, community skills, communication, service navigation, funding navigation and more. We also offer simple Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) based strategies to encourage adaptive behaviours and can help with accessing community services.

Foundational Family Workshops are provided free of charge to families with an OAP number who reside in Ontario. Our autism experts provide workshops on a variety of topics to build parent capacity. Parents and caregivers have the opportunity to book a follow-up 1:1 session to troubleshoot the application of workshop skills/content to their family.

Download our Calendar for more information.

Calendar for Workshops



Image description Autism Behavioural Classroom School Program (4-8 years)

The ABC School Program is a partnership with the Limestone District School Board and provides a therapeutic classroom at Rideau Heights Public School. Children attend the class for 3 days a week and attend 2 days a week at their “home” school. The ABC program provides the opportunity for children to develop skills useful in their home school environment.

*Recommended FREE caregiver workshops that compliment ABC Class or Preparing your child for school: Transitions through the day, Why Use Visual Supports? and Intro to ABA – Click link to workshop calendar to register now.

Price Per School Term: $0 – government funded until June 2024

ABC Classroom Update – Click here to find out more.



Image description Urgent Response Services (URS)

URS is a time limited rapid service response for children and youth (0-18) with Autism. The service is intended to address a specific behaviour need with a focus on preventing further escalation of risk of harm to self, others, and/or property.

Eligible families can receive up to 12 weeks of services and support which are specifically designed to address a behavior of concern. Each family will have a URS Coordinator working with them to develop and oversee the service plan and to provide service navigation to other services within or outside of the OAP.

Find out more

The URS is available to children/youth currently registered in the OAP who are exhibiting a new high-risk behavior as noted below or have escalated in intensity over the preceding 14 day period including but not limited to: suicidal ideation/behaviour, aggression, flight risk, property destruction, etc.

Families can self-refer or can be referred by a clinician, care coordinator or other relevant professional by contacting Kids Inclusive.

Click Here

Upon referral the family will be screened to determine if they are eligible for the URS. If they are eligible a URS Coordinator will work with the family to develop the intervention plan. The URS service is free for the family.

If they are not eligible, the URS Coordinator will help the family connect with other services within or outside the OAP that may be appropriate for them.

Image description Project ImPACT

Project ImPACT is Caregiver Mediated Early Years Services for ages 1 – 4.

Our therapists will help you gain the skills and therapeutic strategies needed to support your child’s development at home.
*Under current OAP guidelines, a child may only access one caregiver-mediated early years program per fiscal year.

Image description Autism School Support Programs

Connections for Students – An Initiative developed to assist students with Autism who are nearing the transition from OAP Intensive Behaviour Service and transitioning into full time school attendance.

Connections Targeted Transition Support – Supports children and youth registered in the OAP who are enrolled in school and require brief, targeted support related to school transitions.