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Mental Health Services

At Maltby Centre, children and youth experiencing mental health concerns have quick access to services, free of charge. Join us at one of our Walk-In Clinics or access a virtual Walk-In Clinic through our partners at One Stop Talk.

Are you experiencing a mental health crisis?
Use our crisis support  to get help now.

Mental Health Services at Maltby

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Quick Service

Mental health matters. Attend our Walk In Clinic or make a referral through our website to make an appointment.

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No Charge

Access professional, highly-trained specialists who deliver evidence-informed programs and therapies – totally free of charge.

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Judgement Free Space

Dealing with mental health issues can be challenging but with an optimistic and supportive approach…we can help open the door to possibilities.

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Find a service that works for you

Image description Brief Services for Children, Youth, and Young Adults

This free service is available to children and youth (0-24 years), parents/caregivers and families from communities in KFL&A.

In your first meeting, you will meet with a registered therapist to explore any behavioural or mental health concerns. We discuss the ways you use your knowledge, strengths and skills to manage, as we work together to determine new ideas and next steps.

Image description Extended Services

Extended Services is ongoing therapy for more complex needs. This may include individual or family focused therapy, multiple therapeutic approaches, and is based on a collaboratively developed treatment plan.


Image description Maltby Centre Transitional Age Youth Brief Services (MTABS)

Free brief counselling services of up to four sessions are available for youth ages 18 to 24. A therapist can help you address your mental health needs and if needed, assist you in finding ongoing supports.

The MTABS program is made possible by the generous support of the KFL&A United Way, and the RBC Foundation.

Image description 2SLGTBQ+ Support

Maltby Centre offers 2SLGTBQ+ affirming counselling services for young people and/or their families. Services may include resources and education, interprofessional consultation, and mental health support. We understand that there are unique challenges faced by 2SLGTBQ+ children and youth, and that the best practices in this field are constantly evolving. Discussions may focus on: gender identity and sexual orientation, making decisions about coming out and/or transitioning, family and peer relationships, the impacts of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and other forms of oppression, or impacting mental health concerns.

Image description Infant and Early Years Services

The Infant and Early Years Mental Health Program is a specialized service whose primary goal is to support parents/caregivers with their children who present with social, emotional, and/or behavioural concerns. Our services provide guidance, information, and resources needed to strengthen effective parenting approaches, promote parent-child connection and attachment, and bolster parent confidence. Presenting issues can include: intense emotions/tantrums, understanding your child’s wants and needs, highly sensitive children, aggression and oppositional behaviours, developing healthy routines, social skills, separation anxiety, and navigating family dynamics such as separation/divorce.

Image description Intensive In-Home Services

Through consultation with your Maltby Centre Mental Health Therapist, children between the ages of 0-18 may be referred to Intensive In-Home Services. These clinical interventions occur within the family’s home, focusing on meeting their child’s/youth’s mental health needs through parent coaching, modelling, and behavioural approaches. Sessions will occur 2-3 times per week, and the length of service will be determined on an individual basis. Parents/guardians must be willing to actively participate in these services.

Image description Education Community Partnership Programs

Maltby Centre works in collaboration with our partnering school boards to provide programming and support to students at a variety of sites/classrooms. This includes Nexus (4 classrooms, grade 1-12), Granite Ridge Education Centre (Lakers, grade 9-12), Sydenham High School (Explore, grade 9-10). Students participating in these programs are experiencing social, emotional, mental and behavioural needs that require more support than the regular classroom setting can provide. Referrals to the program are made jointly by the in-school team and the Maltby Centre therapist.

We also offer a Trauma Informed Classroom (Belong, grade 2-6), in which the students’ emotional well-being is the primary focus. Through the PACE model (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy) staff help students to integrate their trauma, shift their world view, and understand their stories. Referrals to the program are made by the school team.

Image description Parent Education & Capacity-Building

Our mental health Parent Education and Capacity Building programs are offered in workshop/group format. They run on a continuous basis throughout the year in either single session or multi-week formats. We cover a variety of topics. Please note dates, times and formats will vary.

For more detailed descriptions about these workshops/groups please see:

Workshop/Group Description




Image description Children and Youth Therapeutic Groups

Our mental health Children and Youth Therapeutic Groups are offered on a continuous basis throughout the year. We cover a variety of topics that encompass best practices and enhance treatment plans. Please note dates, times and formats will vary.

For more detailed descriptions about these therapeutic groups please see:

Children & youth Group Description


Image description Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker Program (EYOW)

The EYOW Program is a prevention and intervention program that focuses on high-risk youth ages 12 – 21. These youth may experience increased barriers in accessing the opportunities that can help them to develop their capacity to make healthy life choices and achieve their goals. With the support of the EYOW worker, individuals are able to better navigate and connect with their community, while also receiving mental health therapy.


Image description Youth Wellness Hubs of Ontario (YWHO)

Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario is a provincial initiative that aims to bring the right services to youth and their families at the right time and in the right place. At the hubs, youth aged 12 – 25 can access mental health and substance use services, primary health care, peer support, education and employment services, and additional resources to support skill-building and the well-being of youth, families, and other support individuals. Maltby Centre provides a fulltime mental health therapist who works from the KFL&A hub.

Youth Wellness Hub Ontario

Image description Specialty Services

Maltby Centre is committed to providing high quality care to our clients. This includes actively maintaining partnerships with other members of the community to provide access to psychiatry, pediatric and psychology consultation services. When needed, your mental health therapist can explore these options.


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Free virtual counselling services are available through our partner, One Stop Talk/Parlons Maintenant. The program serves as a single access point to mental health services for children and youth aged 0-17, connecting them with registered and experienced therapists across the province. No appointment required.

One Stop Talk