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PRESS RELEASE – Maltby Centre Launches a New Website

Maltby Centre Launches New Website, Youth Portal, and Podcast
to Address Mental Health Crisis in Children and Youth

Kingston, ON. April 4, 2023. Current statistics for children and youth in Ontario reveal an alarming rate of mental health challenges. Approximately 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge. About 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth (CMHA Ontario).

Parents/guardians also face increasing mental health challenges and stresses as the pandemic effects continue to linger. To help address access to service and information around this critical issue, Maltby Centre has launched an easier to navigate website with more resources such as a Youth Portal created by Maltby Centre’s Youth Advisory Committee and the Maltby Wellbeing Project Podcast created by the New Mentality, which works to decrease the stigma of mental illness and raise awareness of services and supports available for youth experiencing mental health challenges or illness in Ontario.

Young people can be especially vulnerable and isolated, so having a support network of like-minded individuals their own age can be incredibly beneficial. Talking to other youth about mental health can help to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and can provide an outlet for young people to express their feelings and seek help when they are feeling overwhelmed or struggling. On DATE 2023, launched a new website with a wide array of services and resources for people up to 24 years old plus their parents and guardians.

“Fostering open communication, healthy relationships, and access to information supports young people’s mental health. Our improved website, youth portal and an innovative podcast are important steps toward accessible information and connections for our clients and the KFL&A community in general. I am so very proud of the work of our dedicated New Mentality and YAC teams,” Karen Fleming, Executive Director of Malty Centre.

Karen Livicker, Director of Clinical Programs & Services for Maltby Centre adds, “Parents and guardians of teens need to know that mental health issues are common and can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from stress and anxiety to family dynamics and social media use. It is important for parents to be aware of the warning signs of mental health issues in their teens, such as changes in mood, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest in activities, and withdrawal from friends and family. Having somewhere to direct their teens such as our Youth Portal and Wellbeing Project Podcast can be an essential first step on the journey to better mental health.”

The Youth Advisory Committee for Maltby Centre adds, “The new youth portal is an easily accessible web page designed to conveniently relay important mental health resources for the KFL&A community. The goals, achievements, and ongoing work of the Youth Advisory Committee are displayed to inspire youth and promote youth engagement.”
Maddison Morgan, one of the New Mentality hosts and creators of the Maltby Wellness Project Podcast adds, “Taking back control of my mental health has been a goal of mine since I started high school. It is an important piece in regards to setting myself up for success as I experience life. This podcast- The Maltby Wellbeing Project, has been my first step in actively making a difference in my community. It focuses on talking through relatable stories and coping with difficult emotions. Our main goal as a group, is to reduce stigma around what shouldn’t define us, but instead, bring us together. The first episode is about my story and the struggles I’ve faced over the past few years. I hope that I can be a voice for those dealing with similar circumstances.”

The New Mentality is a program of Children’s Mental Health Ontario, a provincial association that represents and supports the providers of child and youth mental health treatment services throughout Ontario. Maltby Centre is a leading agency in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington region of Ontario, providing autism and children’s & youth’s mental health services for people up to 24 years of age as well as their caregivers, parents and guardians. Inclusion. Acceptance. A life without barriers. Learn more at
Maltby Centre is committed to providing high quality French Language Services, with several designated French positions and, when needed, support through professional interpretation and translation services. We welcome requests for services in French. Please toggle to the French side of the website for further information and details on our programs and services.

Le Centre Maltby s’engage à fournir des services de langue française de haute qualité, avec plusieurs postes désignés en français et, si nécessaire, un soutien par des professionnels des services d’interprétation et de traduction. Les demandes de services en français sont les bienvenues. Veuillez basculer vers la partie française du site Web pour obtenir de plus amples informations et des détails sur nos programmes et services.

Contact Information:
Maltby Centre for Autism and Children’s & Youth’s Mental Health
Michael Ghent,
Senior Manager of Corporate Communications
(m) 613-484-8740 or 416-802-2925
[email protected]