Archives: Service

Connections Targeted Transition Support

Free n/a Individual

Supports children and youth registered in the OAP who are enrolled in school and require brief, targeted support related to school transitions;

  • Has a flexible timeline as decided by the transition team, to a maximum of three months from the date of referral.
  • Includes a Targeted Transition Support Plan that will document the progress of the support provided to the client, family and school team.
  • Referrals are made by the school to the designated school board contact.
  • Allows the goal, timeline and forms of the support to be determined collaboratively at the outset of the process; this could include consultation, observation, assessment, resource development and parent capacity building;

If your child requires some support in school, you can connect with their school team who can put in a referral directly to Maltby Centre. Schools may opt not to refer for this program if internal school board supports are already in place, if you have questions, please reach out to Maltby Centre.

Connections for Students

Free n/a Individual

An Initiative developed to assist students with Autism who are nearing the transition from OAP Intensive Behaviour Service and transitioning into full time school attendance.  It is meant to: 

  • Support your child’s transition to school to make it as smooth as possible
  • Ensure that your child’s school and teacher know about his / her skills that have developed during OAP service
  • Support the generalization of skills and continued learning of new skills in the school setting

If your child is reducing hours in intensive therapy that leads to an increase to full time hours in school, reach out to Maltby Centre to apply for the Connections for Students Program.


Free n/a Individual

Below are links to online workshops and presentations from our experienced team of autism specialists. These videos are free for caregivers to watch at home when it’s most convenient for you. If you have questions about any of the topics covered in our videos, do not hesitate to reach out!

Brief Targeted Consultation

By appointment One-on-One

We offer sessions with our autism experts by appointment. They can provide consultation and coaching to families on a variety of subjects including self-care; community skills, communication and more. We also offer simple Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) based strategies to encourage adaptive behaviours and can help with accessing community services.
Foundational Family Support Workshops

Free One-on-One OAP Required

Workshops are provided free of charge to families with an OAP number who reside in Ontario. Our autism experts provide workshops on a variety of topics to build parent capacity. Parents and caregivers have the opportunity to book a follow-up 1:1 session to troubleshoot the application of workshop skills/content to their family.

See our Calendar for more information.

Secret Agent Society

Small Group

The Secret Agent Society is an evidence-based curriculum designed to target social and emotional needs through game learning. It includes small group child/youth sessions and parent group meetings, combined with real-life practice missions and monitored skill development across a variety of environments.

$1,300 2 days/week 14-week duration Large Group

The PEERS® curriculum is an evidence-based social skills training for adolescents and teens with autism. There are two sessions per week, which involve either the parent/caregivers or the youth/teens. Participants learn a variety of important social skills across the 14-week duration.
Community Behavioural Autism Services


Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) services are offered to children and youth of all ages in a variety of environments, including the home, the community, in our Centre and virtually. Our Clinical team works with caregivers to develop individualized assessments and focused interventions for each child. The clinical recommendations may involve the therapists working directly with child/youth, focus solely on supporting parents and caregivers or very often a combination of both.
Caregiver-Mediated Early Years Program: Project ImPACT

Group, One-on-One OAP Required

The Maltby Centre and a coalition of agencies across Southeastern Ontario have been selected by the Government of Ontario to deliver Project ImPACT – an evidence-based program to teach parents of young children with autism how to improve their child’s social communication skills. Each family will be supported by trained professionals over a short, intense interval. The curriculum includes group and individual components. Children ages 12 to 48 months with Autism who have received an invitation letter from the Ontario Autism Program may register.
Early Behavioural Intervention: ABC Classroom

Options for 3-5 days a week Large Group

The ABC program is a partnership with the Limestone District School Board for a therapeutic classroom at Rideau Heights Public School. Children enter the Classroom for up to 3 days a week and attend 2 days a week in their home school. The purpose is to develop skills useful in the home school environment and to extend the learning of previous comprehensive services.


The spaces available are for this upcoming school term – February 2023 to June 2023. Click here for more.

Early Behavioural Intervention: ABA

Options for 1-20 hours per week One-on-One OAP Required

This individualized, intensive therapy for children under 6 years of age uses Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and is delivered in our Child Centre. Our Clinical team conducts individualized assessments and interventions for each child. Instructor Therapists work directly with the children under the supervision of Clinical Supervisors. Individual and group intensive intervention is provided anywhere from 1 to 20 hours per week.