Connections Targeted Transition Support

Supports children and youth registered in the OAP who are enrolled in school and require brief, targeted support related to school transitions;

  • Has a flexible timeline as decided by the transition team, to a maximum of three months from the date of referral.
  • Includes a Targeted Transition Support Plan that will document the progress of the support provided to the client, family and school team.
  • Referrals are made by the school to the designated school board contact.
  • Allows the goal, timeline and forms of the support to be determined collaboratively at the outset of the process; this could include consultation, observation, assessment, resource development and parent capacity building;

If your child requires some support in school, you can connect with their school team who can put in a referral directly to Maltby Centre. Schools may opt not to refer for this program if internal school board supports are already in place, if you have questions, please reach out to Maltby Centre.