Children & Youth Groups

IDEAS Social Skills Group
The IDEAS group is a social skills program intended to help individuals with social, behavioural, and emotional difficulties to build on their social skills and interact with peers in a positive and therapeutic environment.
The IDEAS group will consist of 8 – 10 sessions where participants will acquire skills such as asking for help, boundaries, emotional regulation, anxiety, self-esteem, online safety, healthy relationships, bullying, budgeting and hygiene.
Please speak with a Mental Health Therapist to discuss referral options.

PreVenture is a mental wellness program for youth (age 12 to 18 years).
This program aims to help you:
– achieve your goals
– set long-term goals
– learn new skills to help you achieve your goals.
The program recognizes the importance of individual differences in how you understand and cope with different types of life challenges.
PreVenture is tailored to different personality and coping styles so it can be more relevant to your own experiences.
This program consists of 2 – 1 1/2 hour sessions.
For more information, please see PreVenture Program
SNAP Boys/SNAP Girls
SNAP stands for Stop Now And Plan. It is an evidence-based program that teaches children between the ages of 6-11, who struggle with behavioural issues and their parents’ emotional regulation, self-control, and problem-solving skills. It helps children learn to make better choices in the moment.
We offer this program three times a year in Fall, Winter & Spring for children (6 – 11) and their parents.
To complete a referral for SNAP Boys/SNAP Girls please reach out at [email protected] or 613-546-8535 x 9
SNAP Exclusion Criteria * Boys and girls whose problems are primarily internalizing; significant developmental delays; or autistic spectrum disorders are assisted to locate more appropriate resources.
Worry Warriors – Psychoeducational Skills Building Group
This group is to assist children between the ages of 7 – 10 learn foundational coping skills to help reduce anxiety. This group focuses on helping children understand what anxiety is and the impact it can have on your thoughts and body reactions.
This group consists of 6 – 1 hour sessions.
Please speak with a Mental Health Therapist to discuss referral options.

CBT Psychoeducation Group 10 – 12
This group is to assist children between the ages of 10 – 12 who struggle with anxiety.
Participants will learn:
– what anxiety is
– the neurology/physiology of anxiety
– a basic introduction to CBT coping strategies
– how to build an anxiety toolbox
This group consists of 6 – 2 hour sessions.
*Please note parents must have completed our “Parenting your Anxious Child” workshop. Please speak with a Mental Health Therapist to discuss referral options.
For more information about our workshops and groups please see our Workshop Calendar.