Maltby centre - youth advisory committee - yac image

Lend your skills, education and lived experience to the YAC

and make a difference in CYMH.

Our Mission

Youth Advisory Committee Members use their skills and passion to help improve the services and systems that affect youth. They promote the work of the YAC within the Maltby Centre and Community.

About the team

We are the current members of the YAC!

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Meet the yac 2023. Madison, james, emily, connor, jazlyn, and jade.


  • Advising Maltby on new policies, names of programs, and how to make Maltby more youth friendly.
  • Attending the Roadmap to the Wellness committee and the Maltby Quality Committee.
  • Creating a Facebook post during Children’s Mental Health Week.


Our goal is to help youth and young adults in the Kingston, Napanee, Northbrook, Sharbot Lake and Sydenham areas have improved access to mental health services in-person, in schools, and online. We do this by being a part of the Maltby team and lending our voices to decision making, which effects how services are developed and delivered. Our goal is to provide a youth perspective on children and youth mental health.


Want to join our YAC? Please call 613-546-8353 to find out more or click here.

Committee Members:

The Maltby Centre is looking for new members to join our Youth Advisory Committee.

Main responsibilities:

  • Attend biweekly meetings (Tuesday evenings)
  • May be asked to attend Maltby committee meetings or community meetings
  • Contribute to engaging youth
  • Help to make Maltby Centre services more youth friendly
  • Commit to a one-year term
  • Liaise with other youth networks
  • Honourarium provided

For more information and/or to apply, click here or email [email protected]

Youth Facilitators:

The Maltby Centre is looking for Youth Facilitators (YFs) to lead our Youth Advisory Committee

Main responsibilities:

  • Collaboratively organize and plan the work of the committee
  • Co-facilitate biweekly meeting (Tuesday evenings)
  • May be asked to attend Maltby committee meetings or community meetings
  • Promote identified priorities
  • Liaise with other youth networks
  • Integrate youth engagement in Maltby Centre services
  • Share new developments in youth culture and youth engagement
  • Commit to a one-year term

For more information and/or to apply, click here or email [email protected]