Autism School Support Programs
Connections for Students

Connections for Students (CFS) is a free service that helps students with autism who are leaving behavioural services and going/returning to full-time school. This program pairs your child with an Autism Spectrum Disorders Consultant who will work with your child’s therapy provider, your family, and your child’s school to support a successful transition.
Connections Targeted Transition Support

The Connections Targeted Transition Support model is based on the more intensive Connections For Students for autistic children and youth, though designed to allow more flexible forms of service to be provided to a wider range of children and youth. The brief, targeted supports are available to any child or youth with an OAP number who is not currently involved in a full Connections For Students program. In comparison, this program has a shorter timeline and a more specific focus than the Connections For Students program, and referrals can only be made by the school board staff.