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We’re revolutionizing Mental Health and Autism Services for Children & Youth with our new three-year Strategic Plan

Over a period of six months in 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic, we undertook a collaborative strategic planning process. We were humbled and inspired by the high levels of engagement throughout this process. We are grateful to the children and youth, their families, caregivers, and those that support them in their care journey, health professionals, internal and external stakeholders, and community and system partners who have shared their input and experiences. These diverse and valued voices have informed the development of a bold and innovative strategic plan that will change the way we work but also affirm our commitment to social accountability, anti-oppression, and anti-racism.

In late 2024, we began a Strategic Plan refresh. As of November 25th, this has been reviewed by the board and will be going out to staff and community consultation. The refresh is set to be launched in Spring of 2025. Until that time, the 2020-2024 plan is extended.

Strategic Plan

Annual Reports


Maltby Centre is committed to continually improving our services. That’s why we voluntarily participate in accreditation with Accreditation Canada—to learn what we’re doing well and where we can improve. By having external surveyors assess our mental health and autism services against national standards, we are better able to focus our quality improvement efforts. In our most recent site survey, we were Accredited with Exemplary Standing – the highest achievement offered by Accreditation Canada.

Audited Financial Statements

Public Sector Salary Disclosure

Other Resources

Maltby centre - annual reports & strategic plan - transition to adulthood